We coach, train and consult against real-time data
Assessments expedite the process of identifying, rapidly and accurately, the areas of development that need to be addressed in individuals, teams and organizations. These tools provide a comprehensive view of the current state and help us measure impact/results in training, consulting and coaching engagements. Depending on the assessment, they are offered both pre- and post-engagement.
JDA offers the following assessments:
Feedback is a critical component of both learning and improving performance, whether for an individual or a group. Leaders who seek out feedback from peers, their manager, team members and direct reports gain valuable insights into personal strengths and weaknesses. They also gain a powerful tool to use in their professional development.
The JDA Leadership Assessment multi-rater feedback instrument, unlike most instruments of its kind, is simple to use and customize. Data are collected via the internet, which eliminates the need for paper and pencil administration and also ensures confidentiality and accuracy. Customized reports compile data for easy interpretation.
The profile can be used for:
- Collecting data on employee opinions, developmental needs and interpersonal strengths
- Creating and monitoring developmental activities and organizational improvements
- Creating a baseline for future performance improvements
- Conducting general needs assessments for training and other topics
The SOCIAL STYLE ® profile provides insight into our own personal preferences of how we behave and how we get results. It also provides practical strategies for how we can more productively interact with the 75% of the population whose style is different from ours.
This assessment, which is available in both an online multi-rater or a paper-based individual self-rating format from the TRACOM Group, gives thorough details about style strengths and weaknesses and practical points on how one might adjust their approach to make another person more receptive. This is especially useful when we find ourselves in critical business situations with clients, customers, team members and our manager.
Multi-Rater Assessment
The Multi-Rater Profile provides the fullest understanding of SOCIAL STYLE ® and Versatility. This assessment not only helps your employees understand how they see themselves, but also gives them insight into how others perceive them.
This online Profile provides participants with a personalized SOCIAL STYLE ® narrative and an interpretation discussing the strengths and weaknesses of their own Style and specific recommendations for working effectively with other Style groups.
Self-Perception Assessment
Self-profiling builds self-awareness and is a helpful introduction to the SOCIAL STYLE ® ModelT as a way to work more effectively with others. The SOCIAL STYLE ® Self-Perception Questionnaire assesses how you view your own behaviors in various situations.
A simple paper-based package includes everything your employee needs: the SOCIAL STYLE ® and Versatility Self-Perception Questionnaires and the Self-Perception Guide, which provides background information on SOCIAL STYLE ®. This option is easy to administer and requires no pre-work.
It is important to note that individuals’ self-assessment ratings often differ from those generated by the people with whom they interact. The Multi-Rater Profile (see above) is the most accurate way to measure SOCIAL STYLE ® and Versatility.
Developed and refined over decades of use, Inscape Publishing’s DiSC instruments are based on a simple idea-that the foundation of personal and professional success lies in knowing yourself, understanding others, and realizing the impact of your actions and attitudes on other people.
DiSC Dimensions of Behavior provides a non-judgmental language for exploring behavioral issues. It helps people explore behavior across four primary dimensions:
- Dominance
- Influence
- Steadiness
- Conscientiousness
DiSC Classic Profile Online 2.0
DiSC Classic is a multi-level learning instrument that helps individuals assess to what degree they utilize each dimension of behavior in a situation. The instrument then provides feedback designed to help people in your organization:
- Build productive teams
- Develop effective managers
- Train a powerful sales force
- Improve customer service
- Ease frustration and conflict
We offer a variety of DiSC depending on the audience.
Leadership matters. Organizations depend on leaders to make important tactical decisions, manage changing market trends, and set strategic vision. When competent leadership prevails, people and companies prosper. Bad leadership is almost always accompanied by disengaged workers, corporate corruption, and, eventually, business failure.
HoganLead gives leaders a clear understanding of their performance capabilities, challenges, and core drivers, and provides them the strategic self-awareness that makes good leaders great.
Leadership Forecast Series
The Hogan Leadership Forecast Series includes four development-focused reports. Based on Hogan’s trademark assessments, the Hogan Personality Inventory, Hogan Development Survey, and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory, each report offers information regarding the characteristics, competencies, and values that underlie how a leader approaches work, leadership, and interaction with others in the workplace.
The Potential Report outlines day-to-day leadership style, describes behaviors typically associated with that style, leadership competencies, and comprehensive development recommendations.
The Challenge Report describes how leaders are likely to interpret the world and treat subordinates while under stress and pressure. The Challenge Report predicts career-derailing behaviors that interfere with the ability to build a cohesive and high-performing team.
The Values Report explores the core values and goals that ultimately drive a leader’s behavior, aspirations, and expectations about life. What people value determines how they will lead; this determines the kind of environment a leader will create and the sort of organizational culture in which the person will do the best work.
The Coaching Report is a self-guided, comprehensive development-planning tool for individual leadership development. The Coaching Report integrates the information from the Potential, Challenge, and Values reports into a five-step planning process. By completing this process, a leader produces a powerful, personal development plan designed to foster professional growth.
The Summary Report is an overview of a candidate’s strengths, challenges, and values. The report integrates results across the HPI, HDS, and MVPI to provide a snapshot of interpersonal performance and values in relation to future career aspirations.
The online team assessment provides a tangible measurement tool based on the model described in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. With this team-based assessment, participants will learn how their team is doing in the five key behaviors: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and results.
Since 2004, over 150,000 participants have gone through our assessment. A variety of teams—from Fortune 500 executive teams, to NFL coaching staffs, to school principals and their teachers—have used and benefited from the assessment. With only 38 questions, this tool provides a targeted look at what’s going well and what areas need attention.
Key Takeaways
- A customized report that summarizes the model and reveals team results.
- A color report that highlights performance on an easy-to-read stoplight scale of red-yellow-green.
- Specific tips and exercises for improving team cohesion.
- Detailed instructions on how to effectively share the results with the team.